Saturday, August 1, 2009

Meeting Girls by Being a Real Man & (Connecting With Your Inner Animal)

This blog post is simple: Meet girls & approach girls by being the best you... A new you... A better man & stronger individual.

Anxiety and worrying about every possible thing that can go wrong can be so crippling that it effects your current state... The constant flow of negative thoughts (doubt) and thinking too much of this can be an obsession & a very hard habit to break. Its no wonder why thinking too much will paralyze your game and life...

The truth about taking life by the balls and living like a king.... money, power, respect, love.. for the wheels to start rolling into the right direction... is the way to go. Always work on yourself as a man. Dress better. Live Better. Learn More. Take chances and go to places to meet women.

Because after all we are not little boys waiting for our lives to magically change... We're all smart here.... you have to be a man and make things happen... The question is are you ready to step up and make it a commitment?

You owe it to yourself... lets face it you came here for a reason.... I know that practical tips on how to get the girl will give you a new level of confidence and it will grow each and every day.

On the topic of women and those transitioning from the pick up artist type game.... you can see why this is more powerful and applies to all aspects of your life....... memorizing routines & scripts as a strategy for getting girls can easily be forgotten and energy draining.... but deep ingrained beliefs about yourself will always breed success. That's a guarantee.

Here is an exercise to try: Finding Your Inner Animal (Connecting with it to have more power and become a more dominant male)

Imagine a dominant animal: tiger, lion, wolf, bear... etc

Lets all live more like this and use these amazing powerful beasts as a perfect example to increase our dominance & dealing with life...

If a Tiger was hungry and craved something.... do you think the Tiger would sit around and stress over if he can hunt or get it done??? Nope.... He has too much power and belief in himself so when he's hungry he gets up, hunts his prey and gets results. Nothing like being fed in life....

If a Wolf wanted to find a mate.... Do you think a Wolf would ever worry or have the though cross his mind if a girl had a boyfriend or she didnt like him because I'm not big enough, tall enough, have enough money or didnt know what to say before stepping over to her... HELL NO

These dominant animals will be in tune with their dominant essence and go after what they want... have a strong lead and confidence knowing they will get it... and when something attacks them they will attacks it back X10...

Thats the way to approach life.... start living with full confidence in yourself because you are the man and attack your problems... you take the action and get what you want.

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